See You Next Year


Hey, y’all!

We suppose it’s pretty *obvious* that our grid has been relatively empty over the past month. (Or maybe you didn’t notice, tbh social media is WEIRD) The reasons for the absence have been exciting, mundane, and depressing; a relatable group of emotions for 2020.

Exciting, Kat got her dreamy new job. She’s been hard at work getting to know her new roster and doing her best to get them every available opportunity to work. That work includes a lot of documenting, writing, and, for the first months on the new job, introductions. You know, all the things that running an interesting blog require.

As for depressing, we’re guessing we don’t have to tell any of you. This blog, while always wanting to highlight the journey, thrives when people are actively discovering new summits. First came the pandemic. Then, the defining racial reckoning of our generation. Now, reconciling our collective shortcomings with the pandemic’s worst days ahead of us. Reaching out to people in the midst of all of this has felt relatively unimportant and even predatory at moments. We’ve never wanted to be a place of “compare and despair” and felt, collectively, we were seeing a lot more despair than would be healthy to compare.

The mundane? Well, TV shows and podcasts work in seasons... Maybe we should do that too. We’re coming out of a fulfilling month personally and it has gassed us up to return, in more courageous and creative ways, in 2021. 

We’ve already been sending out exciting interviews and are highly anticipating the small way The Obvious Path can be a part of establishing a reimagined industry. Until then, we wish you and your family a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season.

Peter Hargrave