Cherry Torres and Alexander Ferguson

From Peter: It’s possible that we’re riding high from the release of the Hamilfilm last Friday, but when it came to featuring Cherry Torres and Alexander Ferguson- there’s no way we would’ve “[Said] No to this”. We met them at separate moments on Disney Cruise Line years ago and, to our delight, they both worked their way onto the Hamilton Angelica Tour in 2018. They each had their work cut out for them, performing and covering all of the leads within the show. Yet, when you read what it took to get there, you’ll understand how they’re able to make the performing part look easy.

We never got to perform with either of them, but, luckily, talent and kindness stick with you. It’s been a joy to watch them achieve their dreams via social media. It’s even better when you realize they’ve started dating! When good people find good people, and do good things- it’s just all good.

Alex and Cherry filled out a feature for us in March right before Alex was scheduled to leave the tour. As the world shut down, we put their features on hold. They were generous enough to fill out a Corona Coping for us at the end of May and were able to share some early thoughts on the importance of continuing creating, addressing our flaws during quarantine, and racism. We HEAVILY encourage you to follow them on Instagram for a continuation of those thoughts, pictures of their time performing together, and opportunities to train with them. Cherry and Alex are the kind of people that excite us for the future of theatre, a feeling we don’t always have in spades. We hope they do the same for you.

What were you looking forward to that you lost because of COVID-19?

Cherry: I think the biggest loss has been my job. I miss Hamilton, I miss being on stage, and getting to see my friends and coworkers every day. It sucks! We were also supposed to go on vacation about a week after quarantine started. It would've been our first planned vacation, sadly that didn’t happen haha. 

 Alexander: This summer I had planned to make a new short film and had to pause, due to the unfortunate circumstances. 


What is something (a thought, a family member, a hope, a piece of art, a meme, a song, ANYTHING) that is getting you through? 

Cherry: Honestly Alex has been a huge part for me getting through this time. He’s been a constant support on those days where anxiety feels unbearable. He’s  a pretty awesome quarantine buddy. His cooking skills don’t hurt too! Haha! Also, painting and some impromptu singing sessions have proven to be a super therapeutic hobby. 

Alexander: Right now? Solar Opposites on HULU.


What do you think has an opportunity to change as a result of this time to reset? 

Cherry: As difficult as this time has been it has been just that a reset and it’s opened so many doors for new skills and new hobbies to be developed, for art to be created, for much needed self reflection, and for healing among other things. It has also been pretty beautiful seeing the wonderful effects it’s had in nature all around the world. For me personally it’s pushed me to make time to practice and rehearse. It's been both therapeutic and fun to lock myself in a room and warm up my body and voice and just sing songs I’ve been working on or sing through Hamilton. 

Alexander: The way we better ourselves. During this quarantine, we are trapped with our flaws and our insecurities. This is the time to address those issues head on, because when we come out of this...the human collective will be better off for it.


Anything else you'd like our readers to know during this time?

Cherry: This has been a hard time for everyone, but the black and Latino communities as well as the elderly have been hit especially hard.  So know that it’s not just about you and me...practice kindness, be considerate, stay inside and don’t stop creating! Art is not done. I’m so proud to be part of a community that is so resilient and willing to adapt their art form to suit any circumstance. It’s been a joy to see people create youtube musicals, sing, dance, teach! We’re in this together! 

Alexander: I went two days with no shower and wanted to die. 

Quarantine Quickly:

Favorite snack: 

C:  I’m not a huge snacker, but Alex’s spaghetti carbonara is it! (insert laughing crying Emoji here)

A: Honeybuns

Home workout routine (you know, if you're into that): 

C: running and shout out to B2 PT who have given structure to my workouts, and their workouts come from a physical therapy perspective, which is awesome. (Haha shameless plug for them cuz they’ve been life savers haha) 


What are you watching: 

C: Welp, I finished my 3rd watch through of the office, so we’ve moved on to “Rick and Morty” and “Naked and afraid XL” haha

A: Shivering Truth, Rick & Morty, Cowboy Beebop, Iron Chef ReRuns

 What you are reading: 

C: online articles mostly and we’re starting to reread Harry Potter. Cuz, why not?

A: Articles on racism and Food recipes

Yes or no… Out of pajamas before noon?: 

C: Never haha! Pjs into workout clothes and back to pjs haha