Tor Hyams and Lisa St. Lou

Quick note from Peter: A quick google will tell you that Tor’s been nominated for a grammy and Lisa is a Broadway vet. Those accolades don’t do their personalities justice.

I was lucky enough to have my debut Off-Broadway singing tunes they wrote, listening to Tor play, and Lisa melt the room with her vocals. They’re special talents and even more special people. In the face of this crisis, their humor, insight, and genius remain the same. Enjoy.

What have you lost because of COVID-19?

Well, we wrote 5 television pilots and we were set to go out to Los Angeles to pitch them. Obviously, that’s not happening now. Additionally, our agent was abruptly laid off so we’re now scrambling to find a new agent so we can get the meetings. It’s different in theater, but for TV, you can’t get a meeting with an agent. On the bright side, we were offered a production on a play we wrote for next year. So that’s pretty amazing. With all the rejection, it’s extra special to feel like our work was worth the time.

What is something (a thought, a family member, a hope, a piece of art, a meme, a song, ANYTHING) that is getting you through?

We feel very grateful that we have a place in Brooklyn that allows our rather large blended family enough space to breathe. That gratitude is a great antidote to the constant anxiety. It’s also a preventative measure that assures our children’s safety…from us.

What do you think has an opportunity to change as a result of this time to reset?

We're hoping that people will be more kind after all of this and have a greater appreciation for what we have as opposed to what we don’t. Career-wise, we are hoping our particular brand of humor will be more accepted. On a side note, but still important, we hope TV shows will show less penis in the future.

Anything else you'd like our readers to know during this time?

We’re out there. We’re writers. We're available for hire. Our families think we’re talented. Tor’s mom, especially, thinks we’re amazing. But seriously folks…we’ll be here all week and the week after that…and so on…stay safe, everyone,. 

Quarantine Quickly:

Favorite snack: The banana bread our kids make…almost on a daily basis!

Home workout routine (you know, if you're into that): Lisa does literally every single workout you‘ve ever heard of. Tor is getting his ass kicked by Jillian Michaels, using Lisa’s account because he can’t afford it. 

What are you watching: Altered Carbon. We don’t understand what’s going on, but we’re somehow hooked. We do NOT appreciate the gratuitous penis shots though. What’s with everyone showing the penis these days?

What you are reading: The news mostly because we’re trying to stay away from the biased networks. We’re also reading our own work a lot so we can make it even ore awesome! We’re also reading books that we are thinking of adapting to either stage or screen.

Yes or no… Out of pajamas before noon?: NO! Wait. Do workout clothes count?

*Check out Tor and Lisa’s website here: