Ashley Parizek, Boals, Winnett and Associates

Quick side note from Kat: Ashley is in our "dear friend" category. A person that we've known since college and been in our life ever since. From birthday celebrations to Peter and I's wedding; from Ashley coming to see me in Hong Kong (pictured below!), I have too many wonderful memories for such a small introduction. She is kind, passionate, loyal, hilarious, and a goal achiever. When she sets her mind to something, you can bet that it is going to be accomplished.

We looked up two years ago and found ourselves running down the same path. Ashley is one of the incredible women that keeps Boals, Winnett and Associates one of the loveliest agencies around and a dream chaser that I'm proud to be chasing alongside of. 

What were you looking forward to that you lost because of COVID-19?

- A promotion. This pilot season started out really exciting for us and we had so much momentum. We were looking forward to lots of exciting bookings and that was opening up room for me to move up in my agency, right about now... While I know career growth is still ahead, this has been extremely disappointing and sobering. So much is unknown, especially around timing which we often hold onto for some semblance of control. And this season has opened all of our eyes to the fact that we do not have control over anything. Jesus take the wheel! That was cliche, but I’m pretty basic and I’m okay with it.

What is something (a thought, a family member, a hope, a piece of art, a meme, a song, ANYTHING) that is getting you through?

- Rejoicing and giving thanks in the midst of pain and suffering alongside others who are doing the same! Filling myself with more content that fosters faith and hope in my heart than fear and anxiety in my mind.

What do you think has an opportunity to change as a result of this time to reset?

- I think our worldview is changing. It is very interesting to me that this is happening during Lent which a lot of New Yorkers either observe or are aware of. “From dust we came and to dust we will return”. I think we will emerge from this time, a people and a community who are more humble, grateful and more passionate to live out this wonderful, beautiful, creative life we have been given!

Anything else you'd like our readers to know during this time?

- A lot of cliches are coming to mind but one that I have been clinging to is, It is always darkest before the dawn. The light is right around the corner! Hold onto that truth. And maybe together, we can brighten up those dark times too ;) I love mood lighting.

Quarantine Quickly:

Favorite snack: Boom Chica Pop Kettle Corn and/or Fruit Snacks

Home workout routine (you know, if you're into that): Front stoop/rooftop circuits

What are you watching: RomComs most nights, then rotating between: Curb Your Enthusiasm, Homeland, Madam Secretary, Re-watching The Good Wife and episodes of anything a client is in

What you are reading: Adament by Lisa Bevere

Yes or no… Out of pajamas before noon?: Yes! Except for every now and then when I want to stay in my plush, white robe I recently purchased on Amazon to feel like I’m at a Hotel Spa.