Joanna Carpenter

Note from Kat: I met Joanna at a Thanksgiving feast this past year in Louisville, KY while she and Peter worked on a production of A Christmas Carol at Actor's Theatre of Louisville. Joanna is one of those special people who you meet and feel like you've been friends for years. 

She's a superhuman and we're lucky to have her in our lives. A few words that come to my mind when thinking of Joanna: kind, humble, hilarious, talented, determined, change maker, and dream chaser. She continues to open my eyes to new things, is a wonderful friend, and is talented to boot. Her story is unique, insightful, and exactly the kind of story we love sharing here at The Obvious Path. Enjoy!

What were you looking forward to that you lost because of COVID-19? In a general sense, I was sinking my teeth into some exciting auditions that would hopefully turn into, the opportunity to make money. I also had to postpone a table read for a film I’m directing, and put my fight training on hold. 

What is something (a thought, a family member, a hope, a piece of art, a meme, a song, ANYTHING) that is getting you through? I really, REALLY believe in being of service. That’s my job as an artist. So everything I do right now is an attempt to be of service in some way - whether it’s through music, or making people laugh with my crazy Minnesota Brenda videos, or reaching out to friends and being fully emotionally present with and for them - I’m constantly asking how I can be of service. 

What do you think has an opportunity to change as a result of this time to reset? We as an industry are going to have to reinvent the wheel. It’s already happening. Look at the work being done by AEA to get new streaming contracts out to theatres. People are teaching hundreds of people at a time via Zoom. Everything from the groundwork of production to the hiring of performers is being rewritten. Some of the changes will be bandaids, while other changes may be more permanent. Jen Waldman said to me recently that it’s time to demand better of producers, directors, casting directors, other creatives - I think now is the time to rewrite the hierarchy for the greater good. 

Anything else you'd like our readers to know during this time? You may have seen photos with the hashtag “Racism Is A Virus” floating around. The Asian community is experiencing violence in ways unheard of since the internment camps. Two children (2 and 6 years old) were STABBED in Texas recently, with the attacker screaming that they were spreading Covid-19, and this is just one of many instances. I’m not someone who is easily taken by surprise or frightened, but there is a different insidiousness to what is happening now. I would ask your readers to do a couple things: 1) reach out to your Asian friends and colleagues. Ask them how they’re doing, be prepared for uncomfortable answers, and ask them what you can do to help. 2) Do. Not. Be. Complacent. I’m disappointed by just how many non-Asian friends and colleagues I’m seeing who are sitting on their hands and not standing up for what is right for the literal safety of all of us. Have the uncomfortable conversations, and stand with us. 

Quarantine Quickly:

Favorite snack: baby carrots and ranch dressing

Home workout routine (you know, if you're into that): I alternate between boxing/kickboxing and core/strength exercises, usually bookended by yoga

What are you watching: SO MANY CAT VIDEOS

What you are reading: “War Queens: Extraordinary Women Who Ruled the Battlefield”.

Yes or no... Out of pajamas before noon?: Yes, even if it’s just to hop into workout clothes. My sanity is being preserved by the routine of coffee/shower/get dressed/be productive.